
Lake Cerknica from Lož Valley

Biking in Slovenia » Notranjska » Lake Cerknica from Lož Valley

During my stay in Lož Valley, I decided to visit Križna Gora and Lake Cerknica. The lake wasn’t there (it is intermittent, after all), so I went straight back, but the summer heat pushed me into the cooler Snežnik forests, so I wrapped up the roundtrip with a visit to Snežnik Castle and the tiny church of Saint Margaret in Šmarata.

At a Glance

A mix of asphalt and gravel roads
794 m
Average time
3 h
Elevation gain
500 m
32.2 km
Start: 45.720602,14.468182

Starting point Hiking map Download GPX file

I started in Kozarišče. You could start from Lož (there’s extensive parking space at the edge of the town) or at Snežnik Castle. I won’t spoil the fun with detailed step-by-step instructions; download the GPX file and explore.

Don’t try to wing your way through Snežnik forests. They are crisscrossed with logging roads, and it’s easy to get lost. The mobile coverage also leaves something to be desired. Download the digital maps before you start.

Map of the Route

The map shows the path we took as recorded by the GPS receiver. Never trust a GPS track wholeheartedly; rely on your senses and maps.

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